Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hand Painted Custom Letters

Personalize Any Room in your House!

Using a Zanzibar Theme from this Quilt...
 You can have custom letters made to match a nursery theme.

Here are just a few examples of the different styles that can be put on any custom letter design.  If you send Jess a picture of your quilt or room design, she will find a way to create a design for completely unique letters.  This is an amazing addition to any room!

Minimum Starting Bid is $25.00

To bid on this item, please place your name and bid below in the comments section.  You should also e-mail me your contact information to themoweryfamilytrust@yahoo.com if you win the auction.


  1. $50 for RYAN (I am thinking something with Eagles green and black...)

  2. $65.00 a great way to make decorating simple

  3. Anonymous - Thank you so much for bidding! Can you please send your name and address to themoweryfamilytrust@yahoo.com
    Thank you!


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